Sunday, June 28, 2009
What kind of yarn?
My understanding is that a beginner should start with a plain worsted type of yarn. Skinnier yarns are too hard to see. Fatter yarns can be difficult to work with, even for an experienced crocheter.
So, I am using up my stash of worsted partial-skeins for new crochet students.
But I am finding that there is some variation even within the plain worsted family.
Some yarns are slippery, some have a lot of friction, and some are just right!
I've been experimenting with giving beginners yarn that has some friction. This yarn doesn't pull through the previous row stitch easily. And it even takes some effort to make a chain stitch, or to do the "yarn-over through 2 loops" that is so common in crochet. The students have to be conscious of the stitch formation, and I think that it will make subsequent projects have the right tension, instead of being too tight.
The downside of using frictitious (ok, I invented that word) yarn is that it is really really easy to crochet too tightly in the class.
I'll keep monitoring the results with various kinds of worsted yarns.
What have been your experiences? Thanks in advance for your comments.
Judy Obee
My web site
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
How to hold the yarn
The key thing about that yarn is that you want the yarn to be able to move somewhat freely around the left index finger, but not too freely. You must be able to have some tension between the previous stitch on the hook. But if the yarn doesn't move freely on that finger, then the finger just keeps getting closer and closer to the hook, and soon you have to take some time to give yourself more yarn.
I am one who wraps the yarn twice around my left index finger, so that the yarn comes off the side of the finger closest to me. I know that others wind the yarn over the left index finger, under the next two fingers, and over the pinky. I have tried both, and I know that either method provides an appropriate amount of friction (not too much, not too little). But I still prefer my way.
And that is what I teach - unless the person is coming for a refresher course, in which case I let them do whatever they want with the yarn - as long as it moves appropriately.
The one thing that I really watch for in my students is whether they let the yarn get too loose - usually because they are using that index finger to hold onto the crochet fabric. I do make a point of emphathizing with them, joking about how many things you have to think about when you are starting to learn to crochet.
How do you teach your students to hold the yarn?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Where should the student start to crochet?
There is, of course, the free how-to-crochet websites (including YouTube and its cousins). And the student doesn't have to leave their house to take a lesson.
A student can pick up a book at any good book store. And again, the student can work on learning in the privacy of their own home.
Or the student can sign up for lessons from a real live-and-in-person instructor. The student has to travel, and will probably spend quite a bit more.
So, what value can we instructors provide, to justify the extra effort and cost?
Well, one of the biggest benefits that I provide is that when the student is learning from me, they do not have to start with the foundation chain.
Instead, when they are about to learn their very first stitch, I give them a hook, yarn, and a partially completed piece of crochet. Here is the "pattern" that I use:
- Ch 11
- Row 1: Sc across (there will be 10 sc's)
- Row 2: Sc across
- Row 3: Sc 3, and leave the rest of the row unworked
By doing the first 3 sc's in Row 3, I avoid any issues associated with where to insert the hook for the first stitch - I talk about that later in the lesson.
So, it is really easy to figure out where to insert the hook for the next sc.
The student gets the feel of how easy it is to insert the hook, because the stitches that I made in the previous row are of the appropriate size and tension. And when the student works Row 4, they may notice the difference between working on my stitches versus working on their stitches.
My curriculum for the first class is as follows:
- 1/2 hour single crochet
- 1/2 hour double crochet
- 1/2 hour half double crochet
- 1/2 hour foundation chain and single crochet into the chain
I find that there is just so much challenge in working the foundation chain and the first row. I get a lot of feedback from my students expressing appreciation for saving the hardest for the last. So I believe that not only am I on the right track, but I am definitely providing something that cannot be offered by any of the learn-to-do-it-yourself media.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Introduction to Crochet Teachers Blog
- what do I do to teach crochet students?
- what do you do to teach crochet students?
My background: I run the Crocus Needle Arts School in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I teach several needle arts, including Crochet. I have been crocheting for over 5 decades. I have been teaching crochet since 2005. I am a Craft Yarn Council of America Certified Crochet Instructor.
I teach crochet in my living room - lots of comfy chairs, lots of light. I have a small whiteboard for when I have to draw something (this typically happens while I'm teaching how to read a pattern).
My website is
Future posts will describe some of the things that I do to help my crochet students be successful. So keep an eye on this blog.
And if you have any tips, techniques, comments, or questions - well, you know what to do: post a comment.
Thanks in advance.